Air Cooled Chillers
Engineered for Lowest Total Cost
With a wide range of types, capacities and sustainable refrigerant options, YORK® is a leader in air-cooled chiller solutions. We engineer compact, energy-efficient chillers that are easy to maintain and are tailored to fit almost any application.
YVAA Variable Speed Drive Screw Chiller
150-575 TR (525 - 2,020 kW)
With more than 22,000 units installed and proven globally, the YVAA VSD screw chiller has excelled in a variety of applications.
Customizable for specific job requirements
Patented, liquid-cooled, variable-speed drive technology
Available for performance testing in an AHRI-certified lab
Proven Globally. Tailored for You.
The YORK® YVAA Air-cooled Chiller has been proven globally in some of the world's most challenging conditions. With a patented, liquid-cooled, variable-speed drive that produces 15-25% annual energy savings, IPLV as high as 21.3 EER, and up to 0.25 kW/TR reduction in energy use when replacing existing chillers, YORK® has the experience to tailor and tune the YVAA specifically for you.
Reduce annual energy costs as much as 50% with a liquid-cooled, variable-speed drive for lowest kW/ton at design and off-design conitions
An efficient motor design provides a wide operating range while refrigerant cooling and thermal protection increase comressor reliability
The YVAA can be tailored and tuned to match the capacity, efficiency, sound and footprint of specific applications.
Patented YORK® liquid-cooled, variable-speed drive technology
Patented, stepped VI (volume ratio) technology to match compressor operation to conditions
Class-leading standard operating range of -10°F to 131°F
Performance testing on all units in AHRI-certified lab
150-500 TR, 524-1750 kW